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Keywords – October 21, 2021

KEYWORDS: Law Library Weekly Newsletter

Hey there! Remember us? This is Keywords, your friendly neighborhood law library newsletter that comes to you each and every week. (Except for the weeks you’re not in school because ain’t nobody got time for that.) We figure you’re still recalibrating to #lawschoollife after Fall Break. Here are some tips to reacquaint you with the ins and outs of your favorite #cornelllawlibrary

The Who

You can find your favorite reference librarians live and in person at the reference desk Monday – Thursday from 3 – 5pm. If you’re triggered by memories of being shushed by a not-so-fun librarian and prefer to not speak out loud in a library, you can email your legal research questions to Reference librarians: accessing articles, tracking down treatises and improving legal research strategies since before you could read.

The How

Looking for a docket? First of all, love this journey for you. Second, did you know that you can use your Bloomberg Law password as an alternate to PACER to find a docket? After signing into Bloomberg Law with your individual user name and password, select “Dockets Search” in the Popular Links box and start searching. Need help? Reach out to one of your friendly neighborhood reference librarians

The Where

You want books? We got books! As a reminder, you can request eligible items to be delivered via contactless pickup. Select your items in the library catalog  and then bada bing, bada boom – you’ll get a notification when your materials are ready for pickup on the ground floor by the elevators. It’s like ordering a gift for yourself. #selfcare. 

The Other Where

Speaking of self-care, today is a “No Bones Day” so be kind to yourself and choose a small side of human interaction with your library book order. Select “Law Circulation” as your pickup location and bada bing bada boom – you can grab your library books from the law circulation desk in the Gould Reading Room AND speak to the lovely human beings at the desk.  

We will be back next week with a new edition of Keywords. In the meantime, please wear your mask in all law library spaces, enjoy the warm fall weather while it lasts, and send your general law library questions to

The Law Library. Myron Taylor Hall. Ithaca, NY 14853.