Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Law Library

Open until 8pm - Full Hours /

Faculty Borrowing

Faculty may use the following steps to place a book request:

  1. Find the book in the CUL library catalog and select the red “Request Item” button. You may be prompted to log in before reaching the next screen.
  2. In the drop down menu, select your desired pickup location, then hit the red “Submit delivery request” button. To request pickup at the Law School, select “Law School community only.”
  3. You may also email the title, author, edition, and call number of the book to If you do not know the book details, please email
  4. You will receive an email from the Law Library when your request is ready for pickup. If you have a campus mailbox, the Law Library will deliver your request to that mailbox.
  5. If you are unable to get to Cornell to pick up your book, we will arrange to mail the book to you. Please contact
Updated 07.03.24