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Keywords – November 4, 2021

KEYWORDS: Law Library Weekly Newsletter

Hello. It’s Keywords, the only weekly law library newsletter that makes you stop and think, “Well, they’re not wrong.”  Read on for this week’s batch of subtle study hints and legal research suggestions.

Rumor Has It

…that there are 4 weeks until the end of classes. Say whaaaat? The end of classes means the start of finals, so maybe you could perhaps possibly begin to consider getting familiar with how to attack exams with online study aids. We’re not saying you need to start studying right now. But we’re also not saying that when exams start you won’t think back to this moment and think, “Well, they weren’t wrong.”  

Rolling in the Deep

So, you know that you can schedule an in-depth consultation with a research librarian. But do you know how in-depth these consultations are? These research librarians go IN, exploring your topic ahead of time to find sources and resources to help your research journey. Take advantage of their research expertise and schedule a consultation by emailing Available in person or Zoom, but not in the “Metaverse”.

Scholarship is Open

Feeling inspired by last week’s open access events? Read past editions of law reviews and access faculty scholarship on our Scholarship@Cornell Law repository, which has just surpassed 7 million downloads. Or explore this research guide to learn more about open access materials and open education resources. Because reading about open access is what? FUNdamental!


We will be back next week with a new edition of Keywords. In the meantime, remember to wear your mask, get used to the fact that exams are coming, and send us your general law library questions at

The Law Library. Myron Taylor Hall. Ithaca, NY 14853.