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Keywords – March 30, 2023

KEYWORDS: Law Library Weekly Newsletter

With two days left until Spring Break, you may be feeling like there is too much to do in too little time. Far be it from the Law Library to add to your law student burdens. Here with the appropriate amount of text one can be expected to read right before Spring Break is your partner not-in-crime, your sagacious legal research sage, and weekly law library newsletter – Keywords.

How to Spring Break

If you are taking Eliza Hamilton’s advice to heart and actually taking a break this Spring Break, then good for you. Our in-person reference desk is also taking a break next week, so twinsies! (Don’t worry – you can still reach a reference librarian via email if it’s too hard to quit us cold turkey.) If you are in fact planning to ignore the fact that it’s Spring Break and just continue living in the library 24/7, then far be it from us to stop you from having a good time. Although the circ desk will be open 8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday of Spring Break and closed both weekends, you can use your Cornell ID to swipe into the Law Library any time after hours.

We will be back after Spring Break with a new edition of Keywords. In the meantime, kick off your Spring Break by joining OutLaw in celebrating Trans Day of Visibility this Friday. And don’t forget – if you really miss us, just email us.


The Law Library. Myron Taylor Hall. Ithaca, NY 14853.