This is Keywords, the weekly newsletter of your favorite study/reading/writing/blankly staring at your computer screen spot – the Law Library. So, everyone and their mother is on February Break, but this is law school. Studying waits for no one. Here are some tips to help make your studying a little less study-y.
Mask Up
So, you no longer need to be tested – for COVID, that is. As of now, law school exams haven’t gone anywhere. And neither have Cornell’s mask requirements. Cornell still requires that “approved masks be worn indoors at all times in campus buildings, unless in a private, non-shared space” (e.g. not the Law Library), “when alone in an office” (i.e. not the Law Library), “or when eating” (again, not in the Law Library.) So the next time you’re reading in the Reading Room, studying in one of the carrels, or pretending to study in the Claudy Casual Reading Room at the top of the spiral staircase, please wear your mask. We promise we’ll let you know as soon as anything changes.
Reserve a Study Room
So, you no longer need to reserve a study seat. (See? It DOES get better!) But did you know that you can still reserve an interview room or a small group study room? Whether you are yearning for the euphoria of securing an exclusive reservation in the hottest law student study spot (aka the Law Library), or are looking for a quiet study haven within a quiet study haven (have you heard of the Law Library?), you can make a reservation for 2 hours a day, up to a week in advance. If you need help with a reservation, contact your law library concierges by emailing
Read a Book
So, you no longer remember how to read anything outside of a casebook. (And no, reading Keywords doesn’t really count. But you’re on the right track.) Become reacquainted with the non-legal written word and explore Cornell University Press’ new digital, open-access collection of 44 books that highlight Black history and the Black experience. Did we mention that these e-books are free? Well, they are. So eat, read, and be merry. For tomorrow you’ll still be a law student.
We will be back next week with a new edition of Keywords. In the meantime, continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, and send your law library questions to