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Keywords: Special Exam Edition – December 6, 2022

KEYWORDS: Law Library Weekly Newsletter

Surprise! We’re back with a special edition of Keywords, your weekly law library newsletter that comes when you least expect it, but somehow also when you most need it. You may be wondering if we’re superheroes, magicians, or guardian angels. The truth is we are all that and more – we are the Cornell Law Library and we are here to get you through finals. We’re just so thoughtful that way.

“E” is for E-Books. And Exams

However, depending on what mode your exam is in, you may or may not be able to access your e-book during your exam. We know that’s a lot of “E”s to keep track of, so allow us to ease some of your exam concerns with these easy steps:

1: Establish Exam Expectations

First things first: confirm what mode your exam is in. Do you have a take-home exam or open mode + open network exam? Then you’re in luck and can access your e-books as is. If your exam is open mode + hard drive/hard copy, you may be able to download/print your e-book to use for your final. If it’s a closed book final, well then rest up because your memory is gonna need it.

2: Examine E-Book Exceptions

Next, if you need to download/print your e-book, determine how much of your e-book you can actually download/print. Depending on the publisher, you may be able to download/print 100% of your e-book, 0% of your e-book, or some small percentage in between.

3: Explore Essential Excerpts

If your e-book only allows limited downloads and prints, use them wisely and focus on the parts you do need. And don’t gloss over the table of contents – it’s a great resource to recall the important information and cases you need to know.

4: Ease Extraneous Worries

Don’t worry if you are unable to download/print all of your e-book for your open mode + hard drive exam. We have you covered. Limited copies of physical casebooks will be available with your exam proctor for any student to use.

We will be here to help all throughout exam period. In the meantime, don’t forget to take a study break for goodness’ sake.

The Law Library. Myron Taylor Hall. Ithaca, NY 14853.