Welcome back to Keywords, the only weekly law library newsletter that tells you the most important thing you need to survive the last few weeks of the semester – what day it is. Just kidding. As Yoda famously said, “Do or do not. There is no [time when it comes to law school].” (Ok, so we may have paraphrased a bit here.) Read on for our tips to help you make the best use of your time from now until the end of the semester – which, by our calculations, is somewhere between one and eleventy-million days.
Stop! Hammer Time!
It’s that time of the semester where everybody flocks to the library: seriously studying students, resilient researching researchers, and intensely industrious individuals…who are more than ready to relieve students and researchers of their laptops, backpacks, and other possessions. You could run around the library yelling “U can’t touch this” to every stranger you meet. Or you could just not leave your belongings unattended in the library. Your choice.
Tax Season
Considering a future in the tax field? Come to our “Top Tips for Tax Law Research” workshop next Thursday, April 21 at 3:30pm in MTH 277. During this 45-minute workshop, we will provide context for tax law documents and demonstrate key resources for researching these aforementioned tax law documents. Dare we say that this workshop will make tax research less…taxing? Yes. We dare.
Midnight in the Garden of Books and Legal
You’ve been here before, hunched over physical and digital papers in that lugubrious time between eternity and sunrise, wrestling with a critical citation question instead of finishing that assignment that’s due two hours from yesterday. So why go through this again? Sit up straight and purchase a personal copy of The Bluebook. Or borrow one from the circulation desk ahead of your next late night writing session. This way you won’t have to wait until normal business hours to contact a research librarian for citation help. Or a chiropractor.
Make Time to Study
And now, a haiku. Exams are coming. Don’t stress; take advantage of online study aids.
We will be back next week with a new edition of Keywords. In the meantime, don’t lose your laptop, come to our tips for tax law research workshop, and send your legal research questions to lawref@cornell.edu.