Welcome back from Spring Break! With only three weeks of classes left, we’ve officially entered the final push of the semester. If you haven’t started writing your seminar papers, please, we beg you, get started soon. Although the law library is open to law students 24/7, we don’t particularly recommend spending all night here (because we worry about you).
Law Library News:
We’d like to get some feedback about casebooks being on reserve for 2-hour loans at the law library. This survey is a total of 3 multiple choice questions and 1 open ended question and should take you somewhere between 1-2 minutes or less (unless you are procrastinating writing your seminar paper, in which case you can really ruminate for a while if you need to). Please take this survey!
Law Library Resource Highlight:
- With final exams around the corner, many of you have been asking us about study aids and other helpful resources. In particular, if you would like to use CALI for their lessons and materials for studying, please email lawref@cornell.edu if you need the authorization code to create your account.
- The Law Library has various E-Book and Online Study Aids to help, which you can explore through our guide here: E-Book & Online Study Aid Collections – *Law Databases – LibGuides at Cornell University.
- We also have physical study aids like the “in a nutshell” series and Examples & Explanations (E&E) study aids on reserve at the circulation desk. These study aids give short explanations of legal concepts followed by examples to test your understanding.
- Past exams that you can use for practice can be found on the Registrar’s Website in the Exam Archive.
Local Library Highlight:
Did you know that Cornell has a Library of Music and Dance? The Music Library is located on the second and third floors of Lincoln Hall and the librarians there are all musically talented and love plants. If you also love music and plants and would like a change of scenery, take a 12-minute walk to the Arts Quad and check it out!
The Music Library also hosts streaming databases of audio and video performances that you can find here: https://music.library.cornell.edu/streaming-audio-video/ if you need a break from studying and would like to hear or watch professional orchestras from around the world, opera performances, or jazz performances.
Take care of yourselves, and each other!