Malikah Hall
Diversity Fellow
Malikah Hall was Cornell Law Library’s first Diversity Fellow from 2015 to 2017.
Read more about Malikah’s experience as a fellow here.
Ms. Hall graduated with highest honor from North Carolina Central University with a M.L.S. degree in May 2015. Malikah also earned her J.D. from North Carolina Central University in May 2015. Malikah holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Chicago State University and an A.S. in Paralegal Studies.
Most recently, she was a graduate research assistant at NCCU School of Library and Information Sciences and reference assistant at the NCCU Law Library. Malikah is actively involved in the American Association of Law Libraries and the Special Libraries Association.
Malikah is currently Reference Librarian and Instructional Assistant Professor at the Dee J. Kelly Law Library at Texas A & M Law School in Fort Worth, Texas.