Evelyn Lagos Aros
Bitner Fellow
Evelyn Lagos Aros’ fellowship took place in April 2016. Ms. Lagos joined us from Santiago, Chile, where she serves as an Analyst Librarian and oversees collection development for the Library of the National Congress of Chile. She also has significant experience in cataloging and public services from the Universidad de Chile.
Ms. Lagos’ met with numerous individuals and departments during her visit to Cornell in order to further her project to produce a collective catalog of documentary products generated by think tanks emerging from law schools influential in the legislative agenda of Chile. Her final presentation included an overview of the Chilean legal system and the role of her library in that system.
“The two weeks that I was in the Law Library of Cornell University was a great experience for me. It was the first time I was in America and my first immersion in English. Despite this, each person took the time to listen and understand me. I met a great professional group, but above all a great human group that showed concern and empathy with me.
In the professional field it was very important to know other forms of work and be part of the day-to-day activities carried out in the library. I really felt part of the team, which allowed me to ask questions, review and understand the logic of the organization, meticulous and committed work. I was impressed because each task in the library is designed to provide better services and facilitate access to information promoting autonomy of their users.
Another aspect that I would highlight is the willingness to share knowledge and the importance of creating networking always thinking of how to get the best out of each other. Honestly I am very grateful for this opportunity. It was a wonderful experience that definitely will allow me to put in practice all knowledge received in Cornell Law School in my own work”