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12pm – 8pm Law Community only - Full Hours /

Darlington Musemburi

Bitner Fellow
Darlington Musemburi, the 2019 Bitner Fellow is a Law Librarian at University of Zimbabwe Law Library. In his three week stay at Cornell in August 2019, Darlington met with all Law Library members of staff, the University Librarian, and various members of staff from other Cornell Libraries. He studied the various research support services offered to the students and faculty at the Law Library, Olin, Engineering, Management, Mann, and School of Hotel Administration Libraries. He took time to tour the revamped twenty four hour study centers on campus, including the makerspace at Mann Library. Darlington attended Law Library meetings, legal research classes, faculty workshops, candidate presentations, vendor presentations, and observed JD and LLM orientation. During his stay, he also sojourned to New York City to tour the Second Circuit Library at the Thurgood Marshall United States Court House, the Arthur W. Diamond Library at Columbia Law School, and the Maloney Law Library at Fordham University School of Law. Darlington wound up his stay with a presentation on “Legal Landscape in Zimbabwe” at a farewell luncheon with all Law Library Staff. “The fellowship experience at Cornell will remain imprinted in my heart. It gave me international exposure in Law Librarianship from administration, professionalism, and innovation to service delivery. With the knowledge and experience I have been equipped with, I am ready to influence the growth and development of law librarianship not only for my institution but for the law libraries in my home country at large. My appreciation goes to the Cornell Law Library family for hosting me and to the Gilden Family for the funding which made the visit possible.”