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Open until 8pm - Full Hours /

Keywords – November 30, 2023

KEYWORDS: Law Library Weekly Newsletter

Congratulations to all (especially 1Ls!) for making it through your last week of classes this semester! A reminder in this time to be kind to one another and to yourself. Law school exams may be important, but they do not completely define you. Justice Kagan got a B in criminal law and B-minus in torts but went on to become Dean of Harvard Law School, Solicitor General of the United States, and a Supreme Court Justice.

Law Library News:

  • Using e-books for exams: Check your exam mode for all your finals – the mode your instructor selected for your exams is viewable under My Exam Information. If your exam is Closed Mode you may not access your e-books. If your mode is Open Laptop/Open Book, you may access your hard drive but do not have access to the internet. If you are using an e-book that you would like to use during your final, please check in advance if you are able to download and access the e-book offline.
  • Access to the Law School, including the Law Library, is restricted to members of the law school community during study period and exams beginning tomorrow. Only law students will be able to use the law library for studying and all other students (undergraduates and others) will be asked to leave so you all can study in relative peace.
  • Please keep your Cornell ID next to you while studying with the Law sticker facing up so library staff can easily confirm that you are a law student without having to interrupt your studying.
  • SNACKS are great and important to making sure you are nourishing yourself and your brain – so much so that the law library will even provide some snacks and puzzles during finals. HOWEVER, please do not snack or eat in the Reading Room. Take a break and go to the snacking area of the library or to the atrium when you need nourishment! However, we do encourage you to stay hydrated and caffeinated and you are allowed to have those drinks with you in the Reading Room if your drink has a lid or top on it (to avoid spilling hot coffee on your laptops, books, or yourself).

Law Library Resource Highlight:

Good luck! Take care of yourselves, and each other! 

The Law Library. Myron Taylor Hall. Ithaca, NY 14853.