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Keywords – March 24, 2022

KEYWORDS: Law Library Weekly Newsletter

Welcome to the first Keywords of spring, aka that time of year when the weather doesn’t care whether it’s spring or not. You may be confused by the flip flopping temps that tempted you to break out your flip flops last weekend, but you know what won’t be confusing after you read this newsletter? Each nuance, quirk, and specific oddity of legal research and writing. Don’t believe us? Keep reading. We’ll change your mind.

They Call Us “Mr. Worldwide

In days of yore, doing FCIL (foreign, comparative, and international legal) research could be a snore. Ok, maybe half a snore at most because our collection of FCIL research tools was already a vibe. But, we’ve improved on perfection and added a veritable bevy of new public and private international law resources, comparative law tools, and new foreign law resources from the UK, France, Germany, and Spain.

We Don’t Talk About Bruno

But we do talk about how you can navigate the veritable bevy of new public and private international law resources, comparative law tools, and new foreign law resources from the UK, France, Germany, and Spain in our latest recorded workshop. Watch the video and pretend you’re in a one-on-one reference session with our resident FCIL specialist Alison Shea. Or go for the real deal and email Alison to schedule a real live reference consultation about your foreign, comparative, and international legal research needs.

Here Comes the Sun

And by sun, we mean other legal research assignments because this is law school. We’re halfway through the semester, so there’s at least a 30 percent chance that it’s already getting close to your seminar paper due date. Two pieces of advice: First, stay calm. Second, watch Alison Shea’s other entry in Best Librarian in a Legal Research Workshop Recording: Getting Started with a Note or Seminar Paper Workshop.

Bonus Tip: Stop by the reference desk Mondays – Thursdays from 3 – 5pm for an in-person legal research consultation with any of our research librarians or email to schedule an appointment.  

We will be back next week with a new edition of Keywords. In the meantime, wash your hands for more than two seconds, explore our FCIL and seminar paper workshops, and schedule a research consultation by emailing  

The Law Library. Myron Taylor Hall. Ithaca, NY 14853.